The Solution for Your Company’s Legal Needs

Many small to medium sized businesses do not have in house counsel or internal legal departments to support their legal needs and often spend unbudgeted dollars on outside counsel to handle their legal matters. Many make the mistake of not having contracts negotiated, reviewed or drafted and opt to enter into agreements without legal counsel in order to avoid paying legal fees only to experience negative consequences when a dispute arises. A penny wise is a pound foolish.

Your Next GC LLC is your external General Counsel solution that can provide the legal services and counsel that your business desperately needs at affordable fees. We pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled legal services and personalized solutions to meet your business needs. With decades of experience in the corporate space both in private practice and as Corporate Counsel, General Counsel and Chief Legal Officers of major global corporations, our attorneys are committed to providing you with clear guidance and steadfast support in all legal matters involving your business. What separates us from other firms is our prior experiences working at businesses like yours.

Contact us.